01GROWTH Inc. has supported Asahi Kasei Microdevices Corporation (AKM) in designing and building a marketing operations model, including for its global markets and COE (Center of Excellence).

April 15, 2024

01GROWTH Inc. (Headquarters: Kyoto, Japan; CEO: Tatsuro Marui), with a proven track record in supporting the design and implementation of marketing operations across Japan and global markets, has announced its collaboration with Asahi Kasei Microdevices Corporation (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President: Hideyuki Shinomia) in designing and building marketing operations models for both its Japanese and global locations.


Asahi Kasei Microdevices Corporation, a division of the Asahi Kasei Group specializing in the Materials business that develops and sells electronic components including semiconductors, was faced with the challenge of adapting its marketing efforts due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which made in-person sales activities difficult. This situation prompted an urgent need to further strengthen its ongoing efforts in digital marketing. As its overseas sales ratio continued to rise, competition in digital marketing intensified, and there was a growing expectation for digital marketing to play a key role in generating sales opportunities in overseas locations with limited staff.

Regarding this case

At 01GROWTH, we offer a service that supports the construction of revenue organizations capable of executing marketing strategies and tactics through the use of technology and data, while also developing professional talent. We deliver comprehensive playbooks for marketing operations and revenue operations to our clients.

For this project, we collaborated with key stakeholders, including Mr. Take Suzuki, Director of the Digital Marketing Department at the Marketing & Sales Center, Mr. Akihiro Ikehara, Group Leader of the First Group overseeing field marketing, Mr. Tatsuhiro Nishida, Mr. Yuta Nakamura, Mr. Takeshi Nakagawa, Group Leader of the Second Group responsible for marketing operations, Mr. Keisuke Shigeta, and Ms. Nozomi Inoue. We gathered insights on the project's background and the outcomes of their efforts.

For further details, please refer to the article below.

*MarketingOperations (MOps)
MarketingOperations (MOps) refers to a function that designs and maintains strategieswhile overseeing the integration of people, marketing technology, and marketingprocesses. Often called the bridge between marketing and IT, MOps professionalsbring specialized knowledge of marketing technology, analytical skills, andexecution capabilities to connect the IT department with field marketing, wheremarketing campaigns are implemented. This approach ensures that marketingoperations are not dependent on individuals but are systematically organized.MOps teams are often closely aligned with the CMO or management teams, and inWestern markets, professionals with experience in field marketing or ITdepartments often transition into MOps roles as part of their careerprogression.

About 01GROWTH Inc.

With experience as marketers, customer success managers, and sales professionals in foreign and international companies, we specialize in identifying and supporting revenue organization challenges. Our services include consulting and talent development, with a focus on areas such as marketing operations and customer success operations, which are still emerging in Japan. We excel in designing the processes, organizational structures, and strategic/tactical frameworks needed for these functions. Our mission, "A catalyst for business growth - We take your business from zero to one and support you behind the scenes," drives the various services we offer to help businesses build and optimize their revenue organizations. For more details, please visit https://www.01growth.com/about/01growth.

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